Oct - Dec 2015 Vol 5 - No 4


Management Today, Vol. 5, No.4, October-December 2015, Publication Information


Vol.5, No.4, October-December 2015 Article:1


Leveraging Schools' Competitive Position to Gain New Admissions" a Case Study done for Gowtham Model School at Pragathi Nagar, Hyderabad


Kavitha Reddy Gurrala1 and Anil Ramesh, M.2


1 Associate Professor, Dept. Mechanical Engineering, CMRCET, Hyderabad, 2Chairman & Professor of Marketing, SSIM, Secunderabad.



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Competitive analysis, leveraging, private education, school promotions & admissions


India's contribution towards the global work force is on the rise. One of the major reasons for it is the increased emphasis on education. Learning and growth are highly interdependent and education indirectly contributes to economic growth as it drives learning. Parents in India have realised the importance of quality education and this has resulted in the emergence and growth of the private players in the education sector. Lack of adequate infrastructure, experienced faculty and focus on the usage of local language for instruction at public schools operated by government resulted in the increasing popularity of private education and private schools. With the emergence of increased number of private schools, each of them faces an immense competition for student admissions. Taking this into consideration a small attempt has been made to study "Leveraging of schools Competitive Position to gain new admissions".

Vol.5, No.4, October-December 2015 Article:2


Service Quality Analysis of Mobile Learning (M-Learning) Application


Krishnamohan, K. V. S., and Harish, K. S.,


Associate Professors, Siva Sivani Institute of Management, Kompally, Secunderabad, Telangana, India, km@ssim.ac.in / drharish@ssim.ac.in



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E - Learning, M - Learning, IIT JEE, t -test, SAMR Model of Technology Adoption Life, Cycle, SERVQUAL Model, Cronbach Alpha


It is universally accepted that E - Learning market is growing significantly fast and the trend continues. Research has shown that E - Learning proves to be an excellent way to achieve quality results in a short time frame (Docebo report, March 2014).The worldwide market for self - paced E - Learning reached $35.6 Bn in 2011 and is expected to reach $51.5 Bn by 2016. E - Learning tools are software applications developed to run on electronic devises like PCs, Laptops, Smart phones and Tablet PCs. Quality of such learning solutions plays an important role in delivering tangible results to the learners. An effort has been made to understand the quality of the service provided by the E - learning tool using gap analysis. Current study is focused on the gap between expected and perceived quality of M - Learning solution (E - learning application embedded in a mobile device), developed by a Hyderabad based IT organization. The solution is aimed at the students aspiring to crack the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE aspirants) conducted by Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE). Gap analysis was conducted on the data collected from 300 students using mobile M - Learning tool for IIT entrance examination preparation besides regular class room coaching. Perceived and expected ratings at characteristic level of each attribute of eight characteristics were obtained from 300 respondents. Applying paired t - test, to test the significant difference between the average expected and perceived quality. The attributes with 't' value > 1.645 (at 5% level of significance), are perceived to be not in line with the expected quality. Gaps are identified accordingly to analyze the quality of M-Learning application.

Vol.5, No.4, October-December 2015 Article:3


HRD Climate Survey at Bokaro Steel Plant, India using OCTAPAC Factors-an Empirical Evidence


Durlav Sarkar 1 and Syed Miraj Hussain 2


1 Associate Professor, GCBS, Royal University of Bhutan, Gedu, Bhutan, 2MBA Student, DSMS B School, Durgapur, WB, India, durlavsarkar1@rediffmail.com



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HRD Climate, OCTAPAC, employee perception, hot strip mill, levels of employees


Retention of human resources, developing and satisfying them are the crucial challenges for the organizations under the conditions of globalization. The people are the most important assets of the organizations and they need to be nurtured incessantly to be more effective in this challenging environment. A study on Human Resource Development (HRD) climate may enlighten us whether the organizations are really ensuring the dynamism, motivation, competency and effectiveness of the employees or not. This article is based on the study of HRD Climate at Bokaro Steel Plant, India. HRD climate of an organization can be measured by OCTAPAC factors envisaged by T.V.Rao which means openness, confrontation, trust, autonomy, proaction, authenticity and collaboration of employees in an organization. Here we have used 7 factors of OCTAPAC in a questionnaire devised by XLRI, Jamshedpur and surveyed to collect data. The survey was done among the 60 executives and 140 non executives (n= 200) of the Plant. Main objectives of this study were to examine the existing HRD climate at Bokaro Steel Plant and to measure the satisfaction level of the executives and non-executives of the company towards existing HRD practices. After analysis of data we found that the employees of the Bokaro Steel Plant are only satisfied on few factors of OCTAPAC.

Vol.5, No.4, October-December 2015 Article:4


A Comparative Study on the Performance of Gold ETF and Infrastructure ETF as Against CNX Nifty Index


Chandraiah Esampally 1 and Aarthi, B. 2


1 Dean, Faculty of Commerce, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. esampallyc9@gmail.com, 2Ph.D Research Scholar, Dept. of Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad, aarthyrupally@yahoo.com



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Gold ETF, infrastructure ETF, risk-return.


It is important to diversify a portfolio across different asset classes, since prices of all assets don't move in the same direction. Optimal diversification helps in reducing risk as well as creating wealth to an investor. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are diversified mutual fund portfolios that trade like stocks on the stock exchange. As stock markets are highly volatile and stock picking is difficult for an investor, investing in an ETF is relatively safe. Gold products are considered a highly valuable means of investment in the present scenario of financial markets. Gold ETF have emerged as most successful source for investment in gold. Infrastructure sector in India, which holds the key to our country's fast growing GDP. Investors can participate in the rapidly growing Infrastructure sector through Infrastructure ETF. This paper attempts to compare the performance of Gold ETF and Infrastructure ETF as against market index, CNX Nifty. Return and risk of Gold ETF have been compared with the return and risk of Infrastructure ETF. Monthly Net Asset Values (NAVs) for the period, January 2011 to December 2014 are used for both the schemes. Closing prices of the CNX Nifty are considered. The study concluded that the Gold ETF have lesser variability as compared to the Infrastructure ETF. Gold ETF have performed better than market index and Infrastructure ETF have underperformed market index.

Vol.5, No.4, October-December 2015 Article:5


Global Factories: Concepts, Structures and Consequences


Surendra Pratap 1 and Annavajhula J.C. Bose 2


1 Center for Workers Education, New Delhi, 2 Department of Economics, Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi, spsurendrapratap@gmail.com / bose.ajc@gmail.com



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Global factory, supply/value chain, electronics, automotive, apparel, consequences, research


Using the concepts of global supply/value/production chains, the meaning of global factories is established in Section 1. Section 2 distinguishes between producer driven and buyer driven supply chains. How the specific structures of global factories have come into existence in the electronics, automotive and apparel industries in the Asian countries is described and explained in Sections 3, 4 and 5. Section 6 deals with the adverse consequences of these global factories in Asia. In light of this, a difficult agenda for research is proposed in the last section.

Vol.5, No.4, October-December 2015 Article:6


Quality of Work Life-An Overview


Balaram Bora


Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Aditya Institute of Technology and Management, Tekkali-532201, Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh, India, E-mail: balaram_bora@rediffmail.com



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Job satisfaction, Quality of work life, Work environment, Work-life balance


Work is a part of our daily life. We work on an average eight hours daily in business or career earning our livelihood. That means one third of our life is spent working. It affects the quality of our life. A satisfied employee can put his best efforts towards achievement of organisational goals. The employer needs to provide a conducive environment in the organisation, to reach the goals. The term quality of work life (QWL) refers to the favourableness or unfavourableness of a job environment for people. A willing worker puts his best efforts to achieve organisational goals. Retention of worker is a difficult task in complex environment where more stress is there on one side and opportunities on the other. Satisfaction with pay and relationships with work colleagues, but also factors that broadly focuses on life satisfaction and general feelings of well-being. To retain the talented people in the organisation it is important for the organisation that he should have low stress level and high quality of work life. This article focuses on detailed analysis of Quality of work life and its uses to employers and organisations.

Vol.5, No.4, October-December 2015 Article:7


A Study of Job Satisfaction of University Teachers in Maharashtra State


Kishor P. Bholane 1 and Suryawanshi, J. R. 2


1 Assistant Professor in Commerce, 2Associate Professor in Commerce, Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalay, Vaijapur. Dr. B. A. M. University, Aurangabad,:kishor_bholane@rediffmail.com



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Job Satisfaction, University Teachers, Labour Turnover, Absenteeism.


This paper seeks to measure the level of job satisfaction of university teachers in Maharashtra state. Cross - sectional research design is used in the present study. The researcher included 274 university teachers in the sample by using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The data collected are analysed using appropriate statistical techniques such as Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation, T-Test and One Way ANOVA. The results of the study found that majority of the university teachers have moderate level of job satisfaction.